Monday, March 21, 2011

Old St. Pat's Prepares for the New Roman Missal: Theological and Pastoral Reflections

What will you hear at Mass starting Advent 2011? The Church has made some significant alterations to the language and words of the English translation to the Mass. While the "rites" will stay the same, the words we say at Mass are going to change. There are many questions being raised as to why and what does this all mean for us as a Catholic community. Please join us as Fr. Edward Foley, a professor of liturgical theology at Catholic Theological Union in Hyde Park and a weekend presider at Old St. Pat's, hosts a three-part series on the new Mass. 

The Series began on Sunday, Feb. 20 from 10:45 a.m. to noon in the Old St. Pat's Church hall, and continues with the next session detailed below. 

Session Two:
"What Was The Process and What Is At Stake?"

Sunday, March 27 ~ 10:45 a.m. - noon
Old St. Pat's Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, Room 25 ABC
711 W. Monroe Street in Chicago.

Our second session will provide an historical overview of the long process (more than 25 years) that has led to this change. It will also examine some of the theological and ecclesiological issues at stake this and every vernacular translation of the Church Liturgy.

Session Three:
"Our Pastoral Response"
Sunday, May 1 ~ 10:45 a.m. - noon

Old St. Pat's Church Hall
700 West Adams in Chicago. Please R.S.V.P. by Wednesday, April 27.

In our final session, we will explore how this new translation provides an opportunity for faith communities to reconsider how Liturgy is at the very center of the life of a faith community. This "pastoral response" will include strategic suggestions for the exploration and implementation of the new translation of the Roman Missal.

About Fr. Foley 
Edward Foley, Capuchin is the Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality and Professor of Liturgy and Music at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. With 19 books to his credit, he is currently serving as general editor for a scholarly commentary on the new Order of Mass to be published by the Liturgical Press. We, at Old St. Patrick's Church, are delighted Fr. Foley is a regular guest presider and preacher at our Sunday Liturgies. 

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